Friday, October 3, 2008

US government sells America to wall street.

Well the socialization (here read Big Brother running everyone’s lives) of America has taken another major step today.

Bush 3/4ths of the US senate and 263 of the people who are supposed to be represented us and protecting our freedoms have sold us up the river. It is an act that borders on treason. Shame on every last one of you, but I suppose that is of no consequence if you had any degree of honor you would hold to the values of freedom and this nations constitution, but instead we see action taken to keep chummy and try to look good. I’ve disliked Mccain for some time that feeling is now hate. If I could dislike Hitler the 2nd (Obama) any less I would.

As soon as I can get a list of who voted how I’ll be taking note of everyone who voted for this massacre of the national best interest and never vote for them again even if I like their party better or any other actions they may take. Destroying the constitution regardless of how it is labeled is wrong. The feds have no business being a real estate broker nor of making everyone’s greedy misfortune public debt.

I can only hope that others get this and remove everyone of those unethical unprincipled losers from their so called public service.

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