Friday, October 3, 2008

Can people really be this stupid? Apparently.

I was only able to catch a small part of the VP debate last night. There was obvious prewritten speeches and all to often giving credit for the invention of every good thing from the wheel to sliced bread to their running mate. Most of this was expected. What I did not expect and honestly had a hard time believing was Biden’s plan for people facing bankruptcy.
He wants to give the courts the power to adjust not only the interest rate but also the principle owed on homes for people in trouble. Did this guy stay up late nights trying to get stupider? Having the government deciding what a fair price is on a purchase you made awhile back. If we follow this line of thought a little further I could go buy a new car from GM. Take out a 40-50K loan go to the courts and have them adjust my loan rate and balance for me. I can not think of many things that are better calculated to scare off anyone from running a business in this country than to give total price control to the government after a purchase is made. Biden should move to cold war era Russia and see what his stupid ideas do to people. His ideas are opposed to the values of the constitution that he has no place being on a city council let alone VP.

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