While there are many who have issues with Obama's terrorist buddies, raciest hateful pastors criminal friends etc. I’m attempting to address his official statements of policy from his website. I will be comparing his plans and the constitution with a slight injection of logic.
Civil rights:
Obama wants to force companies to pay people equally for similar work. In order to eliminate discrimination. I’m opposed to discrimination, but the only way his plan can work is for the government to have full access to every business books and to make decisions for them on who gets how much pay.
The constitution says “…nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;” The federal government was not given wage regulation powers. Conclusion Obama’s plan is unconstitutional.
Obama want to punish voter fraud I’m all for that 1 point for the big O.
He also wants to insure voters have accurate information fine, but defined by who? Funded by who? How do we know Party A or B won’t insure the “facts” make them look a whole lot better? An example I got my “unbiased” state voters guide. In the listing is the persons elected experience. They point out that Obama has 8 years experience in his past job Illinois state senator, but there is no mention of how long McCain or Palin have been at their jobs. Was it an over site? Maybe, but it also could be a deliberate attempt to manipulate the vote.
Expanding hate crimes legislation. This violates the equal protection under the law clause 14th amendment. The only protection provided through the law is by threat or actual punishment. If the laws treat perpetrators differentially because of their victims fitting into specific demographics those not included lose their equal protection.
Obama wants to end racial profiling. Based on previous laws to this effect what will happen is cops will have to ignore crimes committed by minorities after their quota is full for the day or year. This also denies equal protection to the citizens of the US. Law enforcement is supposed to investigate and punish crimes that occur they can’t take the rest of the day off when their work upsets someone’s balance sheet.
Obama wants to strengthen civil rights enforcement. I agree with him in concept he could have the US attorneys attack the NFA and have it removed so I can enjoy my civil rights without the government interference. I’d also like to see the State of Mass in big trouble for shutting down the Catholic adoption agency and violating the rights of those who want their child placed with a family that fits their values. Again this is a kind wording for more racial discrimination policies aimed to punish those who have money education or are of the same race as someone who oppressed someone in the past. In short evil.
Reduce recidivism by providing ex offender support. This could be really good if we can provide actual rehabilitation to people who commit crimes so they become productive members of society. However this should be based on the state or local level.
End sentences disparities for the same or nearly same crime. Wow now he wants equal protection under the law? Oh well he is right we should not have laws that punish people significantly different for the same offensive. 2 for the O, but given his above desire to increase sentence disparities I can’t say I’m trusting him on this idea. .
Use drug courts and send drug users to rehab instead of prison. Not a bad idea, but this is a states issue not a federal one (except for those who offend across state lines).
Missing from the list of issues are things like insuring a jury trial for all applicable offensives. Insuring the right to keep and bare arms. Insuring the right to freedom of speech freedom of religion and many other basic constitutionally guarantied rights that are being reduced these days.
One of the feds primary jobs is to protect the nation. None of Obamas stated plans are directly contrary to our founding document, but as with many things the devil is in the details.
Obama wants to adopt a UN policy. I’ve not read it, but making other nations or groups laws national laws is not a good habit to get into.
He wants to provide educational opportunities for those with disabilities, fair enough.
He wants to end discrimination and promote equal rights. A great idea, but this often leads to more discrimination so he’ll have to have a way to do this without taking us back into reversed discrimination. Increase the employment rate of disabled persons. I’m all for people working, but not through discrimination against other persons.
Support community based living. Fine but the state should do this not the feds.
Obama wants to shift the tax burden to the rich and tax any company making some money. Thus taking money from those who are productive and discouraging people from making more money. This is bad and very questionable constitutionally Section 8 requires uniform taxes.
The rest of his ideas can be summed up as highly political and absolutely none of the feds business with the possible exception of protecting union workers the right to organize. How much of this is needed is a separate question. His plans for the Feds to dictate terms of credit cards, family leave, minimum wages etc are not job of feds neither as stated above is playing tax games that give liked businesses a major tax brake while shifting the burden to other businesses.
Requiring a little more clarity and openness in some areas is an okay concept. People should not be suppressed by the fine print in their contracts. This however again should often be a state level thing when possible.
To start with a federal system of child care from the cradle. A 0-5 system also providing low cost high quality child care. Expanding after school programs and dumping untold dollars into the system. He also wants to shut down charter schools that don’t cut it. Why not the public ones that don’t? I’m starting to wonder if Obama knows what a parent is? They are the highest quality and lowest cost child care system possible. To get back to the constitutional issue here its not the feds job to educate or care for children. I’m sure many people don’t like this fact, but the education of the nation is NOT a federal matter. Obama does need credit for noticing that no child left behind is not working, but who has not?
Energy and the Environment:
In short tax the oil companies to pay for programs that will lower the oil companies ability to make a prophet. No mention of efforts to lower the cost of oil by drilling for more or to allow for more nuclear power to reduce the need for fossil fuel based electric power. Just more taxes, handouts and regulations that make it harder to run a business in the US.
In short let everyone know what the government is doing and not let people flip flop between working in the government and working for companies getting government jobs. On the whole not too bad though the how it is enforced and who watches the watcher are concerns. (I think that 4 points now)
Nothing to protect anyone’s right to believe as they want, just a desire that we all speak a language that is not faith specific. Wither or not this is the first step to destroying religious freedom I’m not going to speculate, but the lack of protection or even engorgement is disturbing.
Have the government run all health care If my experiences receiving government sponsored health care and working for Medicaid funded companies are any indications we will look at 9-11 like a bump in the road compared to the pain suffering and death this policy would result in. Also not a feral power. A minor detail I know.
A repeat of Obamas plans for the feds to be running peoples lives starting at the cradle. Also more economic controls and new laws that make running a business hard.
Raise taxes on everyone he dislikes and close all programs deemed unworthy. In short place in the control of a few people the ability to punish enemies and reward friends. Also some effort to reduce the loop holes in the tax system and a plan to place a heavy burden of taxes on those making money. Again violating the section 8 concept.
There is also the pay as you go concept that does not appear to be a specific problem though I can’t say I’m a fan.
Foreign Policy:
This is another place where the Feds are supposed to be running things. Most of Obamas plans look like Bush’s plans with a few commas moved to make it “new”. The only policy that I can clearly object to is the plan to double the money we give to other nations when we are beyond in too much debt ourselves.
Health care:
In short place so many restrictions on insurance businesses that they will all lose money and go out of business. Create a single medical system. Given the way our free public education runs I can only imagine how bad this system would be. Maybe we could model it on cold war throwback feed lots. You show up for you daily swill and if you are not liked by someone in power you go without if you are liked you are issued the bare minimum to keep you alive so you can go back to you near slave labor employment the next day. It’s a bad idea aside from the not the feds job issues. (I’m sure your about as tied of me writing that as I am, but we’ve got to get that idea in action).
Homeland security:
This concept is so large that there is almost no end to what can be justified under this term. While the defensive of the Nation is a priority for the Feds. However how we guard our water supplies and other facilities is not.
He says he wants to reduce the incentives to employee illegal workers. Fine so why does he want to increase social security? A significant labor tax. He also wants to let people who are here illegally get legal and stay. The big problem there is it’s not all that fare to the many millions of people who are waiting in line around the world to come here the right way. Equality unless enough of you brake the law together than we make an exception?
As president he would be in power to make policy. However what he wants to do with Iran and what he says he does not want us doing in Iraq look a lot alike.
In short take money by force and give it to people. More rules and regulations that discourage business. Is not work the best way to get out of poverty? Has a rich person ever spent their money on something that did not have that money go to someone else? Work is the only proper wealth redistribution. If the Government was not leaching off such a high amount in taxes more money would get to the poor through work. Would not slowing down immigration and improving the education in the US cause wages to go up without unconstitutional federal controls? The constitution uses the term promote the generals welfare to misconstrue this to mean punish group A to make group B life long dependants and none productive is flat out wrong. I keep hearing this guy has a high IQ, I’ve yet to see it put to good use.
In short have every small town and family farm run by the feds. Trying to provide health care and education to small towns is a good idea, but not for the feds to do. We don’t need special treatment for preferred farming methods.
Require kids to get educated in service. Also bribe collage kids with $4,000 to do 100 hours of service. That’s $40 an hour. Is he paying for this out of his personal pocket? Service that is forced or you are paid for is not service.
Seniors and social security:
More regulations for companies with regards to pensions and bankruptcy issues. I’m fine with requiring people to do what they agreed to do and not allowing the courts to make loop holes. If (big if) that is what he is planning on doing fine. Plans to make employers contribute to employees retirement accounts have more government involvement in paying retired peoples bills (when added to the 0-5 kids plans equals cradle to grave government running your life). Than a repeat of health care plans. The government should force people do honor their contracts that’s basic law enforcement, but the extra regulations and special tax brakes (read here taxing people beyond the point they can stay in business unless they comply) are wrong.
Obamas plan lists a lot of tax cuts in general I like these, but they are selective. Going back to section 8 it is also a violation of the constitution to overtax one group so that another group can avoid taxes (and oddly enough the group getting the tax cuts tends to vote for the group offering them). The more practical issue is where is the money for the multitude of programs going to come from. The nation is in the hole 10 trillion or so bucks the economy is tanking and somehow there is money to give to most people? I’ve never been good at advanced math, but when there are plan to give more money to other countries, plans to provide tax cuts to some people and plans to run more programs than I can even keep track of right now money has to come from somewhere. Taxing everyone making more than 500k a year at 99.9% is not a good idea nor a constitutional one, but it seems to be the only option left on the table. Opps sorry there is another we can start auctioning off our nuclear weapons on the open market or deny all religious orginizatoins there tax exempt status so that all donations can be taxed at 30% 50% or some other outrageous level. It’s nice know Obama has not back himself into a corner.
Obama has a good concept here find ways to protect kids from predators and allow parents to control the content of what their kids see without destroying the 1st amendment. That can and should be a simple process with almost no interference from the gov. More or less each web site has to indicate its level of offensive content and web service providers give parents the option to filter out offensive or (as we don’t own the entire world) sites that do not provide this information. This is a whole lot easier and better than making a million and one rules to control things. 5 good points go bama go bama. You almost getting 10% of you policies to not be absurd.
I ran into this and I have to wonder. “Create a Transparent and Connected Democracy” What kind of a persons runs for the top position in a government without even knowing what kind of government they are seeking to run. We don’t have a Democracy. The United States has never been a democracy. We are a republic. We poked fun at Dan Quail for having trouble spelling a word (which by the way spells rather funny) and here the man seeking to run the country does not even know what form of government we have. Could this have to do with his desire (as his policies show) to alter the government in such a way that it is no longer recognizable and therefore has not bother to study how it should be ran.
He also says he wants to restore scientific integrity to the white house. By placing sound scientific evidence above belief. I agree with that in concept, but clearly the man does not understand how much the “scientific” community takes their marching orders from politically powerful groups. Facts are a secondary consideration in a lot of research the desired outcome all too often is decided on and than research is done to justify it.
The section goes on with a long list of things the feds have no business doing.
Urban policy: After wading through ha long list of repeats and bad ideas for having the feds do everything I did run into a simple concept of having companies clean up their own mess if they contaminate an area. That’s fine as long as the contamination is outside what they legally could mess up. I than ran into Obamas policy on Guns.
“Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.”
This is too precocious to pass up. Most modern guns are nearly childproof as it is. Given that the 2nd amendment says our right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed I have a hard time understanding why anyone should be deciding how nice of a gun I can buy. The idea of keeping guns on foreign battle grounds not on out streets is absurd. Keeping guns away from criminals who have lost the rest of their rights is fine. Wither or not people losing their civil rights at all when they are convicted is a separate issues. This guy apparently thinks that having the criminals being the only ones with decent weapons will make us safe. WHAT A MORON not to mention traitor.
In short keep our Vets from getting ripped off. I’m fine with that the feds are responsible for national defensive and providing compensation to those who serve is a logical outgrowth of that. I’m not crazy about the nightmare of policy and regulations mess it may create, but the concept is right.
This section was apparently seen as a place to again repeat all sorts of issues information that is not related to directly to women like the war in Iraq. Of note was a statement that he will tackle the underlying problems that cause poverty. Great I’m all for the removal of dependency promoting programs bad schools and oppressive taxes that make doing business in the US vary hard. Sadly he seems to be looking to continue poverty you know if you fix a problem you can no longer extract votes from people on that issue.
Other Issues:
A short collection of things that the Feds have no business sticking their noses in, like the Arts. I like many of the Arts I’m glad many people have talents etc, but where in the constitution does it say the feds are to fund them. It does not. It does provide for the provision of copyright so that the creator may benefit from their inventions, but no funding is included.
In short Obama does not understand what form of government we have. He does not understand the concept of taxation as laid out in our constitution. He does not understand the bill or rights. His policies show a great disconnect between the stated duties of the president and what he plans to do. If Obama has ever read the constitution (after reading his website I have my doubts) he has chosen to not abide by it in his plans for the country. Like a broken watch that is right twice a day he is not all wrong. He deserves credit for his good ideas. If Obama wins the election he will be required to take an oath to defend the constitution. That event will be the biggest lie ever recorded in the history of the United States. . I do not advocate violence, but this nation can not long endure the destruction of our freedoms this man and his policies will cause. McCain is no saint frankly I hate him, but he will not do nearly as much damage nor as quickly as Obama has promised to do. In short Obama as president will be an abomination. Sadly the term Obamanation has already been coined so I can’t collect royalties on it.